DJB Radio
Guide to the tools and features


When you open the Voice Tracking module, you are first offered a choice of logs to view.
Select the date of the log you wish to Voice Track.

Log Window

1. Log Window
This windows acts just like the Log Editor (If the Edit Functions are Enabled) and shows the events in a particular day's log.

Hot Keys

2. Hot Keys
The Hotkeys are available for play during Voice Tracking, but keep in mind their playout channel is set in the Settings and the Voice Tracking recording input will only hear them if routed through your console bus to the input. 
For example, if you are Voice Tracking in the AUD bus on the console, the hotkeys pot will have to be turned on, potted up, and in AUD for the Hot Key audio to be part of the finished Voice Track.

Voice Tracking Area

3. Voice Tracking Area
This area contains all of the information you need as well as the controls to record and play back your Voice Track.
First it shows the approximate time in the hour that the track will play and suggests a Voice Track Length to fit the intro of the second element.
The it shows "That Was..." and then the title and artist of the element before the VT.
The it shows "Coming Up Next..." and then the title and artist of the element after the VT.
Below that are the controls and indicators for Voice Tracking.
First let's talk about the recording buttons.
VT Record (Outro and Record) Plays the last few seconds of the element before the VT and then allows you to record. 
While recording the button says Set VT Seg which would tell the element after the VT when to start.  
You can continue to record over the intro of the second element until you push the button which now reads Stop VT Record.
This gives you the full DJ experience: hearing the outro and talking over the intro of the next song.
The second record option says Quick Record which only records your voice track.
Then uses the intro and outro times to automatically place your voice track with auto-segues.
On the far right is a button labeled Reset VT Seg (AutoSeg). 
This button removes any segue marks you might have made and places the VT automatically based on the length of the VT and the intro time of the second event.
If you don't have your intro times setup correctly, this can make your VT play in its entirety as a dry voice.
To see about setting the intro times, look HERE

Weather Area

4. Weather Area
This area shows the weather for today and the next 2 days in case you want to mention it in your VT.

Navigation Functions

5. Navigation Functions
These buttons allow you to navigate the log.  Go To Next VoiceTrack jumps ahead in the log to the next voice track position.
Go To Hour brings up an interface to allow you to select the hour to begin voice tracking.

Edit Functions Area

6. Edit Functions Area
The edit functions area of DJB Radio has a new feature: The Enable Edit Functions button.
This is to prevent accidental moving of log items and also prevents adding voice tracks that are not in the log file already.
Once the Enable Edit Functions button is pressed, you see the following warning:
In order to add User Voice Tracks, add or delete items from the log, or move items within the log the OK button must be clicked.
Once OK is clicked, the remaining buttons become active and the Enable Edit Functions button becomes the Disable Edit Functions button.
If you click Disable Edit Functions, the remaining buttons dim and are unavailable again.
Insert Voice Track adds a new VT into the log. They will have a UVT prefix to differentiate from scheduled VTs.
Delete Item will remove the selected item from the log you are editing.
Audio and Event Library brings up the standard window that allows you to add audio, Multi-Cut Carts, and/or Commands.

Schedule Hour Lengths

7. Schedule Hour Lengths
This area shows each hour of the day and how much audio file time is scheduled as well as a total for the day.
Note: If you run satellite programming or other alternate programming the hours may appear too short.
For example if a satellite show only gives you 12 minutes of local breaks, that hour may only show 12:00 instead of 60:00.
It also does not take into account microphone time.

Exit Button

8. Exit Button
As you would expect, this closes the Voice Tracking interface.

Simple 3rd Party Digital Editor - Recorder - Condenser Mic (PopScreen)

Direct to Computer - Acoustic Foam Optional but is a Game Changer for Audio Quality

This would be an ideal setup for

Voice Tracking

The online help was made with Dr.Explain