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Production - Database Editor
Database Filtering Options
Click to filter the library by Audio Type, Category, Tagged, or Unused (Available) cuts.
To filter by Audio Types and Categorie, click the + on the left to expand the lists, and then choose from the list by clicking on the item.
Click "All Cuts" to return to the default view.
Search Database
By changing the drop box you can search the library by Artist, Title, Length, Audio Type, Category, or Cut #.
Waveform Area
This shows the waveform of the currently loaded cut. The white line is the current playback location in the waveform.
Also this shows the Intro marker (Green line). the Segue marker (Pink Line), and the Hook start (Light Blue) and end (Dark Blue) markers, if set.
The green bar at the bottom shows the remaining duration of the cut.
Playback Controls
These buttons control the playback of the currently loaded audio cut.
Play Outro plays the last 25 seconds of a song to allow you to set the Segue.
Back and Forward jump the playback indicator 5 seconds in the appropriate direction.
Playback Levels
These are the playback level meters.
Cut Total Length
Current Position In Cut
NEW Cut Buttons
These buttons will CREATE A NEW CUT by importing from an audio file, recording from an audio source, or ripping from a CD.
Batch Import will import a group of audio files and give them sequential cut numbers starting from a number you choose.
REPLACE Cut Buttons
These buttons will REPLACE AN EXISTING CUT by importing from an audio file, ripping from a CD, or recording from an audio source.
Delete Button
This will permanently DELETE a cut from the database. There is no undo if you say "Yes" to the confirmation dialog.
Digital Editor Button
This button opens the built-in digital editor for making edits to the cut. Read about the
DJB Digital Editor HERE .
Copy To and
Move To Buttons
Copy To: Prompts you for a new number and creates a duplicate of the selected cut leaving you with 2 cuts that are identical except for the cut number.
Move To: Prompts you for a new number and creates a duplicate of the selected cut and then deletes the old number.
Refresh Wave Button
This button forces a re-drawing of the waveform in the Waveform Area
Export Button
This button brings up an interface to export the cut to your hard drive and allows you to choose the output file type (WAV, MP3, etc.).
Tagging and Mass
Change Buttons
The first button turns Tag Mode On/Off. When on, any cut you click on becomes tagged (indicated by an asterisk "*" in the 1st column)
The second button clears all tags from all cuts in the database.
The Mass Changer button allows you to change every tagged cut at once.
Allowed changes: Category, Active Status, Artist, Audio Type, Segue Time, Gender, Tempo, Dayparts,
allows you to mass Export files (with or without conversion), and allows mass Deletion.
Intro, Segue, and Hook Times.
Set Intro places the Intro mark over the current position of the playback indicator in the waveform.
This Intro marker serves to let the live on air personality when the vocals begin.
Set segue places the Segue mark over the current position of the playback indicator in the waveform and tells DJB On Air to fire the next cut.
Set Hook Start and End allow you to mark up to 10 seconds of a cut as the "Hook" of the song, usually the most recognizable part.
The PlayHooks command makes use of this to build dynamic Hook Promos on the fly.
You must first set up the Hook Promo Settings in the DJB Radio On Air Settings program.
Edit Audio Types Button
Opens the Edit Audio Types window below.
This allows you to mark which types are commercials, music, and also items you want sent to the Now Playing interface.
You can also change the colors of each type and add and delete custom types. You cannot delete the default types.
If the Music type is not correctly configured, the artist and title info will not be sent for Now Playing or RDS, and
Music Reports will not correctly list the spins.
If the Commercial type is not correctly configured, the
Spot Reports will not correctly report the commercials.
Refresh Library Button
Click this to refresh the library window to see any changes you just made.
Album Art and Other Info
Select a Graphic allows you to choose an album art from the JBCoverArt folder for your cut.
Display Play History looks at Scheduled Logs and shows the hours the cut was scheduled.
Make Most Rested sets an audio cut to "Most Rested" status causing it to schedule first in it's category on the next log.
Edit Multi-Cut Carts
Brings up the Multiple Cut Carts window where you can edit the Multi-Cut Carts by adding, deleting and reordering the cuts.
You can also put start and end date limits on the individual cuts.
Cuts will play in the order shown if the Multi-Cut Cart is scheduled multiple times and the order can be shuffled in DJB Scheduler.
Show Day Parts and Relays
Button changes to hide---->
Swaps the "Other Info" pane with the "Day Parting and Relays" pane that shows which days and day parts the cut is allowed to play in, if you are using the day parting rules.
Also allows you to configure an output relay to fire when the cut is aired.
Click "Hide Day Parts and Relays" to return to the normal "Other Info" pane.
Exit Button
Click here to exit the DJB Radio Production Suite
Save Cut Data Button
If you have made any changes to the cut, this button will light up indicating the need to save.
Click it to make sure you don't lose your changes.
Cut Info Area
This set of fields contains all of the metadata for the currently selected cut.
The Activation and Expire dates can be used to prevent a cut from airing outside of a contracted period.
It should be noted that the Hours 0 and 23 are defaults. If you set them both to 0, the cut will only schedule in the midnight hour.
Database Column Headers - Sortable
You can click on these to sort the current view by the column you click on.
Tagged Indicator Column
An asterisk "*" in this column indicates the cut has been tagged.
Production Database Editor
The Main Production Screen