Command Cut
Instruction Area
This box contains instructions and examples of how to use the command cuts.
Once created, these command cuts will show up in the Audio & Event Library on the Commands page.
Have the On Air screen play the file# located after the #PLAY
#PLAY1000 will play audio cut 1000
If the command has the @ symbol as the first character it will be a Time Marker.
When calculating the schedule times, the items past this marker will begin calculating from the set time MM:SS
@20:00 will set a time marker for 20 minutes after the hour all items following this time will begin calculating after the 20 minute mark,
items will be based off this time, till we get to the next marker or the top of the next hour, whichever comes first.
Have the On Air screen send the command located after the *BTSS the the active serial port.
*BTSS*1044 will send the Broadcast tools command *1044 out to the Broadcast Tools switcher.
URL= Live internet audio
If you want to play a file from the internet, use the following format:
URL=http://www.radioforecast.com/spots/krajfmam.mp3 ending=2;The Weather
It will load and play the forecast and then start the next event 2 seconds
from the end of the weather forecast.
URLVolume XX
Adjust the level of a hot internet audio stream by replacing XX a percentage from 1 to 99.
This will stop the URL= Command from playing.
This tells the DJB Radio where to start playing after the sign on time is reached.
If you do not use the SignOn command, it will start at the beginning of the hour.
USEIOCONTROL XX where XX is the grid number between 0 and 99.
This will allow your to switch Satellite I/O controls to something other than the one used in the grid.
You can also label the command after a semi-colon(;): USEIOCONTROL 4;Switch to Dr. Laura.
USEIOCONTROL GRID will switch back to the hourly grid settings.
^WAIT120 will have the On Air screen pause 120 seconds after the ^WAIT
Command Labels for the On-Air Screen
Since #PLAY2000/!9800/!9405/^WAIT120 is not a very attractive thing to have on your on-air screen,
you can label the command by using a semi-colon (;) followed by the label that you want on the screen.
IE:#PLAY2000/!9800/!9405/^WAIT120;Legal ID and CBS News
Stacking Commands
You can put multiple commands on a single line using a slash (/).
This will play cut number 2000, then turn all inputs off, then turn on relay 5, then wait 120 seconds.
If a Wait command is used it should be the last command in the stack and should not be used in combination with !9700 or !9701.
Any commands that follow the wait will be processed right away, not after the wait.
Can be used to call one of the preconfigured commands in a stacking command.
Commands that can be used
!9700 calls the Play Next Command
!9701 calls the Plays the next event and puts the system in automation mode
!9996 calls the Jock Assist mode command
!9994 calls the Automation mode command
!9800 calls the Inputs Off Command
!9801 calls the Inputs On Command
!93XX calls the Relay Pulse Commands
!94XX calls the Relay ON Commands
!95XX calls the Relay OFF Commands
Screen Notes
You can also use the 9000 to 9199 commands to place notes on your screen for the On Air personality.
For example one could say ;Lower AM Power.
Another could say ;Take Meter Readings.
playvolume x yyy
You can set the playback volume of a given player by issuing the command.
playvolume 8 0 will set the play volume of player 8 to zero or off.
playvolume 8 100 set the play volume of player 8 to max.
PlayerFadeOut x yyyy
This command will fadeout player x in yyyy milliseconds.
1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
Command PlayerFadeOut 8 500 will fade out player 8 in 1/2 second
KillPlayer x
This command will stop player x from playing and move on to the next audio cut.
Timer sss
End Timer
This will start a timer running for sss number of seconds and will continue to play audio cuts normally,
however, if you place an "End Timer" command in the schedule and the amount of the Timer seconds
has not passed, the system will simply wait for the timer to end before continuing on.
This will reset your Broadcast Tools Box
This will allow you to send a message out to the nowplaying for
displaying data on your website.
This will allow you to send a message out to the ShoutCast for displaying
data on your web stream.
This will allow you to send a message out to the RDS for displaying data on RDS equipped Radios.
FileCopy filefrom fileto
Performs a literal file copy. Must contain the full windows path.
FileCopy C:\JBMusic\DJB_99037.mp3 C:\JBMusic\DJB_99038.mp3
FileDelete filename
Performs a literal file delete. Must contain the full windows path.
FileDelete C:\JBMusic\DJB_99038.mp3
This will automatically build a Hooks Promo and play it.
If you use our DJB Sports Program Interface
SportsStart XX
This command will load the DJB Sports Program Interface and use the program # XX
and then automatically put the system into the Jock Assist Mode
This command will quit the DJB Sports Program Interface. If you do not get an
end of game closure this can be used with an exact time sync to resume regular programming.
It will quit the DJB Sports program and Turn the system from Jock Assist Mode to Automation Mode