DJB Radio
Guide to the tools and features

Edit Categories

This is where you setup the categories you will schedule.
Edit Categories
You should try to make the various categories logical.
[Music Genres:] H Hits;  CC  Classic Hits;  PP  Pop;  RR  Classic Rock etc.,
[Event Names:]News, S  Sports, L Liners,
[Imaging]  I   IDs etc.,  P Promos
The Add button allows you to create a new, 2 digit category.
The Delete button will delete the currently selected category
Calc Avg Length will give you the average length of every cut in the category.
Calc Avg All will give you the average length of every cut in each category.
If you wish to change the name of a category, click it to select, type the new name and then click Change.
Click exit to close the Category Setup and return to the Scheduler menu.
The online help was made with Dr.Explain