DJB Radio
Guide to the tools and features

Edit Shell

Edit Shell

Hour Select &

Tempo Policy


1. Hour Select &
Tempo Policy 
Each shell consists of 24 hours labeled in military time from 0 (midnight) to 23 (11PM).
There is also an indication of which tempo policy is active in each hour of the shell. 
Set the tempo number to 0 to exempt that shell hour from tempo policies.
For more on tempo policies click HERE
Simply click on the hour you wish to edit.  The selected hour is indicated by a blue bar (hour 0 in the above picture).

Edit Window

2. Edit Window
This Edit Shell window allows users to insert:
a) Audio files from the categories (IDs, Liners, Jingles, etc.)
b) Music Categories
c) Stop Set Slot Commands for Commercial breaks (9201, 9202, etc.) to be filled from External Traffic Programs
d) Music Slot Commands (9993) to catch Music from 3rd Party Music programs
e) Commands such as Announce the Time or Announce the Temperature
f) End of Hourly Time Update - Last Event In Hour
Log List
Adding events to this Edit Shell window is straight forward and all that users need to do is think of the Line Items placed in a sequential order that would replicate the programming desired.
This Log List will, in essence, build and produce programming that generates the "Sound of the Radio Station". 
It will become the On Air log.
This Log List window is fully Drag & Drop, which means if things aren't on the Log List as you want them, simply Drag an event / Line Item by clicking and holding down the left mouse button on a Line Item or event and moving it to where you want it.

Add Audio Cut

3. Add Audio Cut
This button pulls up the window below allowing you to select any audio file in the database.
You can also put a cut number in the search box and click Search.
Click the cut and click the select button to insert it in the shell.
One other feature to note here is Exact Time.
If you put a time (MMSS) in the box, the item will Cue To Be Next at that time in the hour. 
This is good for an item before a StopSet to keep the playlist on track.
If you check the Enable box and put a time (MMSS) in the box, the item will play at EXACTLY that time in the hour.
It will fade the currently playing item and skip any unplayed items between the current item and the Exact Time item. 
This is useful for joining a sporting event or remote at the correct time.

Add Category

4. Add Category
This button pulls up the window below allowing you to select a category of song for the scheduler to fill.

Add Command

5. Add Command
This button pulls up the window below allowing you to select any Command Cut.
If you are using 3rd Party Music or Traffic you can insert the commands to "catch" the info from the MUS or TRAF file.
If you use External Traffic or Music, please read THIS SECTION for some clarification.
You can read more about Importing External Traffic HERE
You can read more about Importing External Music HERE

Add Multi-Cut

6. Add Multi-Cut
This button pulls up the window below allowing you to select any Multi-Cut Cart to enter in the shell.

Copy Line

7. Copy Line
This button will copy the currently selected line and place it in the clipboard.

Paste Line

8. Paste Line
This button will paste the contents of the clipboard at the selected point in the shell and it pushes the selected cut down. 
The button will be grayed out and inaccessible unless the copy button has been used.


Indicator (Line)

9. Clipboard 
Indicator (Line)
This shows which line has been copied and will be pasted if you use the paste button.


10. Delete
This button will delete the selected line item.

Tempo Policy

11. Tempo Policy
Each hour uses one of nine tempo policies.  For more about temp policies click HERE
To change the tempo policy for the hour you are editing, put a number 1-9 in the box and click the Update Tempo Policy button.

Category Usage

Analyzer Button

12. Category Usage 
Analyzer Button
Clicking this button will cause the software to analyze the various categories scheduled in the current hour, the day from 6A  to 6P, and the entire day.

Copy Current Hour

13. Copy Current Hour
Once you have a working hour, you can copy the hour to the clipboard just like you can with a line item.

Paste Current Hour

14. Paste Current Hour
Clicking this button will paste the copied hour over the selected hour.
This makes it very fast to duplicate hours that repeat.
You can even copy an hour from one shell, close that shell and open another, and then paste it into the other shell.


Indicator (Hour)

15. Clipboard 
Indicator (Hour)
This indicator shows which shell number and hour number has been copied for later pasting.

Close and Exit

16. Close and Exit
Closes the current shell and exits back to the Hour Shell Editor.
The online help was made with Dr.Explain