DJB Zone
User's Manual

DJB HeartBeat Setup

Now that the PostgreSQL is installed and running on the Onair as well as the server, you are ready to setup DJB HeartBeat.
Verify that in Onair settings the Backup Audio has the location where you copied the ZONEAUDIO folder.
Then run Zone Onair normally.  You should see the box below.
Click OK.
Here is the initial state of the setup program.
Click on the Program Tab to get started.
Use the Browse [...] button to select the Bin folder at: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\bin
Then click on the servers tab.
You will need to add the login name "postgres" and the password "djbtech" to both the local and remote servers.
You will also need to add the IP Address of your server( in my example).
Then click on the Monitoring tab.
Set the path to the Server's ZONEAUDIO folder.
This is typically M:\ZONEAUDIO and is a mapped drive to the Server.
Then move on to the Backup/Sync Tab
Set the Backup Directory to a path where you want the SQL backups placed.
You can include this folder when you physically backup your files to an external drive.
Once you have followed these steps, click Save.
Then you can click on the Servers tab and click Test Connection on the Local and Remote servers.
On the Monitoring tab you can click Test Monitoring to see if the local machine can see the Server's Audio.
Finally on the Backup tab click Do Test Backup and you will have a copy of your current database for backup.
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