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This row of buttons contains the reports pertaining to Commercials.
Spot Play Report
The Spot Play Report looks at the schedule file for the date or dates you choose and returns a report containing all the commercials that played.
First you choose the date or dates on the window below.
Then you click Generate Report.
To see the report on screen, click Show report:
You will see something like the image below.
You can click the Print Preview button
to see what it will look like if printed.
You can click the Print button
to print the report on actual paper.
If the report is blank, either no commercials played or your Audio Types haven't been setup for Commercials like in the picture below.
If you click Export Report it will create the file in your JBdata\Schedules\ folder.
If there is already a file there you will see the following warning:
Click yes to replace the existing file.
NOTE: The file is saved with a CSV (Comma Separated Values) extension, but due to the fact that there could be commas in the title and artist columns, the actual delimiter is a semicolon.
When you import it into your favorite spreadsheet program at text make sure you identify the semicolon (;) as the delimiter.
Spot Play
Audit Report
This report button shows a list of SpotPlay - MMDDYYYY.txt files that contain a record of every Commercial file played.
Remember that the Commercials need to be setup in
Audio Types first!
You can Click File, then Save As to save a copy.
You can click Edit, then Select All, then Copy to copy the text to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere.
You can click Print to bring up a Print Dialog.
Traffic Import
Audit Report
This allows you to see the error reports from importing 3rd Party Traffic.
Click on the Traffic Import - MMDDYYYY file you wish to look at.
You can Click File, then Save As to save a copy.
You can click Edit, then Select All, then Copy to copy the text to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere.
You can click Print to bring up a Print Dialog.
Spot Play File
This button will allow the generation of a missing Spot Play - MMDDYYYY.txt file.
Click on the date to select and then click the green Select button.
When done, click the pink Done button.