DJB Radio
Guide to the tools and features

Import External Traffic

Importing A Traffic Log from a 3rd Party Scheduler
From the Scheduler Menu if you select the [Import External Traffic] button the above window will pop up.
To import traffic from a Traffic Log file, highlight the day you wish to import and click the [Import Traffic] button.
When you are finished importing Traffic click the [Close] button.
DJB Radio can work with many 3rd party systems.  In the following pages you will see instructions for working with Natural Log.  These are here for example's sake - if you use a different 3rd party scheduler, please contact us for assistance
Traffic Import File Structure
·     ASCII File (Text)
·     Filename format is DDD_Traf.log, where DDD is the first 3 letters of the day of the week. (MON, TUE, etc.)
·     Event format is HHSS[space]CCCCC where:
·     HH is the hour in military time (00 through 23),
·     SS is the Stopset number 01 to 20 within that hour, then a single space,
·     CCCCC is up to a 5 digit cart number 00001 to 99999 - does not need to have leading zeroes.
·     If there are 4 stop sets in an hour but a stop set is empty, you may either exclude that set from the file or make the cart number 00000
Here is an example of what the DDD_TRAF.log file might contain:
Time - Cart#
0001 00669
0001 00928
0001 00733
0001 00904
0001 00311
0001 00816
0101 00669
0101 00816
0101 00832
0101 00821
0101 00733
0101 00743
0101 00838
0101 08015
0201 00669
0201 00816
0201 00821
0201 00827
0201 00840
0201 00804
0201 00928
0201 08015
0301 00816
0301 00804
0301 00844
0301 08015
0301 00904
0301 00669
0301 00738
0401 00669
0401 00703
0401 00832
0401 00821
0401 00827
0401 00804
0401 00926
0501 08019
0501 00733
0501 00811
0501 08015
0501 00930
0501 00816
0502 00838
0502 00718
0502 08015
0502 00931
0503 00859
0503 00930
0503 00668
0504 00920
0504 00923
0504 00827
0504 00931
0601 00932
0602 00770
0603 00147
0603 00933
The online help was made with Dr.Explain