DJB Radio
Guide to the tools and features

A Special Note on 3rd Party Importers

It should be noted that whether you are importing the Traffic, the Music, or both you should be aware of the mechanics of the import slot commands.
Command 9993 is for music imports.
The music playlist is loaded by Scheduler into each hour, slot-by-slot into music avails (Command 9993) set up in the Shells.
In other words, the first song in the hour is loaded into the first music slot for that hour in the shell, the second song into the second slot, and so on.
It is imperative that you have at least the same number of 9993 commands as the music scheduling software is sending.
It is okay to have more 9993 commands than are needed; at import time the excess will disappear.
If you don't have at least the correct number, you will experience log errors. 
The error may show the song as missing when actually the 9993 slot to insert the song is lacking.
If you see errors and want more info, run the Music Scheduler Error Report.
Commands 9201 - 9220 are for traffic imports.
Command 9201 will catch 1 avail that is designated as being in break or stop set #1 by the traffic software.
Command 9202 will catch 1 avail that is designated as being in break or stop set #2 by the traffic software.
If the first break in the hour is 4 minutes, you need 4 minutes worth of 9201 commands, not necessarily 4 commands.
If your station plays :60s and :30s to make sure you have enough avail slots you would need 8 9201 commands for 4 minutes.
If you air :15s you would need 16 9201 commands to catch the maximum possible number of avails from your traffic system.
Then if you have another break in the hour you need at least the minimum number of 9202 commands to catch commercials designated for break or stop set #2.
If you have 3 breaks in the hour you need 9201s, 9202s, and 9203s.
You can go up to 20 breaks in an hour.
The break number characters in the TRAF file must match the last 2 digits of the 92xx command to schedule properly.
As with music above, you can schedule extra 92xx commands in your shell (or have extra embedded in your MUS file if the music scheduler adds the avails for stop sets).
But it is imperative that you have at least the same number of 92xx commands as the number of individual commercial elements in break number xx.
If you don't have at least the correct number, you will experience log errors. 
The error may show the commercial as missing when actually there are not enough slots to load the commercial.
If you see errors and want more info, run the Traffic Import Audit Report.
The online help was made with Dr.Explain