DJB Radio
Guide to the tools and features

Edit Satellite Grids

Once you have created all of your Input/Output controls, you need to tell the Grid, which controls to use during which hours.
In the example above from Wednesday from 8PM to 11:59PM is I/O Control number 1, The Joe Schmoe Show. 
The rest of the week uses I/O Control set zero.
To make changes here, click on the day you wish to edit and change the numbers in the boxes corresponding to each hour (in military time) and click Save.
All relay inputs can be disabled by Command Cut 9800; Turn ALL Inputs OFF
They can be re-enabled by Command Cut 9801; Turn ALL Inputs ON
This Grid is activated by a Command Cut with the text: USEIOCONTROL GRID
You can disable the grid by specifying a number: USEIOCONTROL 0
This would prevent the Wednesday night show from using I/O Control number 1.
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