DJB Radio
Guide to the tools and features

Log Editor

Initially when you click on Log Editor, you will be presented with a box to select the date you wish to edit.
WARNING: It is best practice not to have the log editor open between 11:30PM and 12:30AM.
And it is always best to close the log when done editing.
Click on the date you wish to edit and then click the green "Select" button or click the pink "Cancel" button to return to the main Production Suite screen.
The window below is the main log editor window:
You can see from the text at the top of the editor which hour in the day and which calendar day you are editing.

Date and Time

1. Date and Time
This shows which calendar day's log you are viewing and which hour from 00 (Midnight) to 23 (11PM) you are editing.

Audio & Event Library Button

2. Audio & Event Library Button
This button opens the Audio & Event Library allowing you to insert items.

Print Button

3. Print Button
This will bring up a print interface allowing you to print a paper log.

Schedule Hour Lengths

4. Schedule Hour Lengths
This box shows how many minutes are scheduled in each hour of the log and the total for the 24 hour day. 
After you make changes you can click the "Check Schedule Hour Lengths" button to refresh this information.

Editing Buttons

5. Editing Buttons
These buttons allow you to cut and paste, copy and paste, or just delete items.  The Paste button is unavailable unless something has been cut or copied.
You can paste the same item multiple times.

Go To Buttons

6. Go To Buttons
"Go To The On Air Item" will take you to the current item if you are editing today's log.
"Go To Hour" brings up a window to select the hour in military time (00-23).
Select the hour you wish to view/edit and click "Go To Selected Hour"

Item Info Pane

7. Item Info Pane
The Item Info pane shows info about the item, as you might expect.  You can also click "Audition Play" to hear the item.
The blue bar at the bottom fills with gray from left to right indicating the position of the playback.
You can also click and drag with the mouse to move the playback position.

Exit Button

8. Exit Button
Click this to close the log editor after you are done editing.
Always remember to close Log Editor.
The online help was made with Dr.Explain