Digital JukeBox
Guide to the tools and features

From CD

From CD
From CD
NOTE: CD Delivery of DJB software retired 2009
When you purchase the Digital Juke Box, we always send you our DJB software via Priority Mail.  We also send you a Quick Start Guide, Magnetic Business cards for your PC's with all of our support Numbers in case of an emergency.
1.  Put the CD into your on-air system and the CD should launch on its own.
2.  Just use all of the default settings while installing the software.
3.  We've included a computer wallpaper that contains all of our important contact info that we suggest you install.  it will ask for you to check a box during the install. 
4.  Once installed, you will need to check for updates on the power up screen since we do not make install CDs too often.
To access The Digital Juke Box, simply:
Click on The Digital Juke Box Icon on your desktop and the program will start running