Digital JukeBox
Guide to the tools and features

Disable Security Center Popup Notifications in Windows Vista

Disable Security Center Popup Notifications in Windows Vista
Disable Security Center Popup Notifications in Windows Vista
If you decide to turn off automatic updates, you’ll be annoyed to death with popup messages from the Security Center that tell you to "Check your computer security" or "Check your Firewall status" if you disabled the firewall. It’s a good thing you can turn those messages off.
Before we begin: I’d definitely recommend keeping the firewall enabled at all times.
To disable the popup messages, right-click on the little red shield icon and choose Open Security Center from the menu. You could also open Security Center from the start menu.
Click the link for "Change the way Security Center alerts me"
Now you’ll see a dialog with three choices. Choose the bottom one if you don’t want the notifications anymore.