DJB Radio
Guide to the tools and features

Sports Interface Editor

The Sports Interface Editor allows you to setup the Sports Interface to run events automatically using a switcher to receive commands from a satellite or remote sports device.
The individual templates for each event are referred to as a "Show."
Sports Interface Editor

Template Selection

Drop box

1. Template Selection
Drop box
Use this control to select a show you wish to edit.

Add and Delete A Show buttons

2. Add and Delete A Show buttons
These buttons allow you to create new shows or remove obsolete shows.

Insert, Edit, And Delete Event Buttons

3. Insert, Edit, And Delete Event Buttons
Each event corresponds to a single audio cut (commercial, jingle, liner, ID, etc.).

Overwrite From

Traffic File Button

4. Overwrite From 
Traffic File Button
This feature allows the show to import the DDD_TRAF.log file and choose which hours of the commercial log to use for the show.
You can read more about 3rd party traffic HERE.

Selected Show


5. Selected Show 
This window shows the currently selected show you are editing.
The Break-Order# column shows the grouping of the events in the show into BREAKS.
The first event in the first break will be 01-01.
You can quickly determine which commercial break you are looking at and how many events are in the break using this column.
During the Sports Log play out, these breaks will air in order from top to bottom.
If your sporting event alternates between local and network breaks, you can safely use the break numbers in the affiliate clock so it matches.
The Cut column shows the cut number of the scheduled event.
The Description column shows the description from the Cut Info in the Production Database Editor.
And the File Name column shows the actual file name in the JBMusic Folder

Settings Area

6. Settings Area
This area lets you control the behavior of the sports interface as it receives relays from your Satellite Switcher.
Command To Execute Before Break:  A single user created command cut, typically to mute the satellite audio so breaks can play.
Command To Execute After Break:  A single user created command cut, typically to unmute the satellite and stop the log.
Command To Execute After The Last Break: A single user created command cut, typically to mute the satellite and return to normal programming.
Exit After The Last Break Plays checkbox: If you don't have a relay for End Of Game, this checkbox will close the Sports Interface after the final commercial break ends.
The online help was made with Dr.Explain